The LCD displays are driven directly or in multiple segments with one common point and multiple segments as in LED displays. They can be directly driven by the microcontroller or controlled by external drive circuits.
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LCD Displays work according to the principle of passive display technology. Therefore, since they cannot emit light alone, they give the image of the natural light in the environment or with the help of the backlight placed on their backwards. They are preferred in applications where energy resources are limited (measuring instruments, clocks, meters, thermostats, etc.).
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COG LCD (Chip On Glass)
LCD Displays are divided into 3 sections according to the type of driver IC they contain. COB(Chip On Board), COG(Chip On Glass) ve Glass Panel(without driver IC) LCD Displays.
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Glass LCD (No Driver)
LCD Displays are divided into 3 sections according to the type of driver IC they contain. COB(Chip On Board), COG(Chip On Glass) ve Glass Panel(without driver IC) LCD Displays.
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Segment LCDs
AKA static LCDs or glass LCDs are easily identified by their fixed graphics and calculator like digits.
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- 2022-01-25